Web Audio API cheat sheet

callback DecodeErrorCallback = void (DOMException error);

callback DecodeSuccessCallback = void (AudioBuffer decodedData);

[Constructor] interface AudioContext : EventTarget { readonly attribute AudioDestinationNode destination; readonly attribute float sampleRate; readonly attribute double currentTime; readonly attribute AudioListener listener; AudioBuffer createBuffer (unsigned long numberOfChannels, unsigned long length, float sampleRate); Promise<AudioBuffer> decodeAudioData (ArrayBuffer audioData, optional DecodeSuccessCallback successCallback, optional DecodeErrorCallback errorCallback); AudioBufferSourceNode createBufferSource (); MediaElementAudioSourceNode createMediaElementSource (HTMLMediaElement mediaElement); MediaStreamAudioSourceNode createMediaStreamSource (MediaStream mediaStream); MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode createMediaStreamDestination (); ScriptProcessorNode createScriptProcessor (optional unsigned long bufferSize = 0 , optional unsigned long numberOfInputChannels = 2 , optional unsigned long numberOfOutputChannels = 2 ); AnalyserNode createAnalyser (); GainNode createGain (); DelayNode createDelay (optional double maxDelayTime = 1.0 ); BiquadFilterNode createBiquadFilter (); WaveShaperNode createWaveShaper (); PannerNode createPanner (); ConvolverNode createConvolver (); ChannelSplitterNode createChannelSplitter (optional unsigned long numberOfOutputs = 6 ); ChannelMergerNode createChannelMerger (optional unsigned long numberOfInputs = 6 ); DynamicsCompressorNode createDynamicsCompressor (); OscillatorNode createOscillator (); PeriodicWave createPeriodicWave (Float32Array real, Float32Array imag); };
[Constructor(unsigned long numberOfChannels, unsigned long length, float sampleRate)]
interface OfflineAudioContext : AudioContext {
    Promise<AudioBuffer> startRendering ();
                attribute EventHandler oncomplete;
interface OfflineAudioCompletionEvent : Event {
    readonly    attribute AudioBuffer renderedBuffer;
enum ChannelCountMode {
enum ChannelInterpretation {
interface AudioNode : EventTarget {
    void connect (AudioNode destination, optional unsigned long output = 0 , optional unsigned long input = 0);
    void connect (AudioParam destination, optional unsigned long output = 0 );
    void disconnect ();
    readonly    attribute AudioContext          context;
    readonly    attribute unsigned long         numberOfInputs;
    readonly    attribute unsigned long         numberOfOutputs;
                attribute unsigned long         channelCount;
                attribute ChannelCountMode      channelCountMode;
                attribute ChannelInterpretation channelInterpretation;
interface AudioDestinationNode : AudioNode {
    readonly    attribute unsigned long maxChannelCount;
interface AudioParam {
                attribute float value;
    readonly    attribute float defaultValue;
    void setValueAtTime (float value, double startTime);
    void linearRampToValueAtTime (float value, double endTime);
    void exponentialRampToValueAtTime (float value, double endTime);
    void setTargetAtTime (float target, double startTime, double timeConstant);
    void setValueCurveAtTime (Float32Array values, double startTime, double duration);
    void cancelScheduledValues (double startTime);
interface GainNode : AudioNode {
    readonly    attribute AudioParam gain;
interface DelayNode : AudioNode {
    readonly    attribute AudioParam delayTime;
interface AudioBuffer {
    readonly    attribute float  sampleRate;
    readonly    attribute long   length;
    readonly    attribute double duration;
    readonly    attribute long   numberOfChannels;
    Float32Array getChannelData (unsigned long channel);
    void         copyFromChannel (Float32Array destination, long channelNumber, optional unsigned long startInChannel = 0);
    void         copyToChannel (Float32Array source, long channelNumber, optional unsigned long startInChannel = 0);
interface AudioBufferSourceNode : AudioNode {
                attribute AudioBuffer? buffer;
    readonly    attribute AudioParam   playbackRate;
                attribute boolean      loop;
                attribute double       loopStart;
                attribute double       loopEnd;
    void start (optional double when = 0, optional double offset = 0, optional double duration);
    void stop (optional double when = 0);
                attribute EventHandler onended;
interface MediaElementAudioSourceNode : AudioNode {
interface ScriptProcessorNode : AudioNode {
                attribute EventHandler onaudioprocess;
    readonly    attribute long         bufferSize;
interface AudioProcessingEvent : Event {
    readonly    attribute double      playbackTime;
    readonly    attribute AudioBuffer inputBuffer;
    readonly    attribute AudioBuffer outputBuffer;
enum PanningModelType {
enum DistanceModelType {
interface PannerNode : AudioNode {
                attribute PanningModelType  panningModel;
    void setPosition (double x, double y, double z);
    void setOrientation (double x, double y, double z);
    void setVelocity (double x, double y, double z);
                attribute DistanceModelType distanceModel;
                attribute double            refDistance;
                attribute double            maxDistance;
                attribute double            rolloffFactor;
                attribute double            coneInnerAngle;
                attribute double            coneOuterAngle;
                attribute double            coneOuterGain;
interface AudioListener {
                attribute double dopplerFactor;
                attribute double speedOfSound;
    void setPosition (double x, double y, double z);
    void setOrientation (double x, double y, double z, double xUp, double yUp, double zUp);
interface ConvolverNode : AudioNode {
                attribute AudioBuffer? buffer;
                attribute boolean      normalize;
interface AnalyserNode : AudioNode {
    void getFloatFrequencyData (Float32Array array);
    void getByteFrequencyData (Uint8Array array);
    void getFloatTimeDomainData (Float32Array array);
    void getByteTimeDomainData (Uint8Array array);
                attribute unsigned long fftSize;
    readonly    attribute unsigned long frequencyBinCount;
                attribute double        minDecibels;
                attribute double        maxDecibels;
                attribute double        smoothingTimeConstant;
interface ChannelSplitterNode : AudioNode {
interface ChannelMergerNode : AudioNode {
interface DynamicsCompressorNode {
    readonly    attribute AudioParam threshold;
    readonly    attribute AudioParam knee;
    readonly    attribute AudioParam ratio;
    readonly    attribute AudioParam reduction;
    readonly    attribute AudioParam attack;
    readonly    attribute AudioParam release;
enum BiquadFilterType {
interface BiquadFilterNode : AudioNode {
                attribute BiquadFilterType type;
    readonly    attribute AudioParam       frequency;
    readonly    attribute AudioParam       detune;
    readonly    attribute AudioParam       Q;
    readonly    attribute AudioParam       gain;
    void getFrequencyResponse (Float32Array frequencyHz, Float32Array magResponse, Float32Array phaseResponse);
enum OverSampleType {

interface WaveShaperNode : AudioNode { attribute Float32Array? curve; attribute OverSampleType oversample; };
enum OscillatorType {
interface OscillatorNode : AudioNode {
                attribute OscillatorType type;
    readonly    attribute AudioParam     frequency;
    readonly    attribute AudioParam     detune;
    void start (double when = 0);
    void stop (double when = 0);
    void setPeriodicWave (PeriodicWave periodicWave);
                attribute EventHandler   onended;
interface PeriodicWave {
interface MediaStreamAudioSourceNode : AudioNode {
interface MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode : AudioNode {
    readonly    attribute MediaStream stream;
code to generate the cheat sheet.