Paul Adenot, @padenot &&
What does the spec tell us?
[...] A high-level JavaScript API for processing and synthesizing audio in web applications. The primary paradigm is of an audio routing graph, where a number of AudioNode objects are connected together to define the overall audio rendering.
var ac = new AudioContext(); ac.decodeAudioData(ogg_arraybuffer, function(audiobuffer) { var source = ac.createBufferSource(); source.buffer = audiobuffer; var d = ac.createDelay() var osc = ac.createOscillator(); osc.type = "square"; osc.frequency.value = 100; // Hz var g = ac.createGain(); source.connect(d); source.connect(ac.destination); d.connect(ac.destination); g.connect(d); d.connect(g); osc.connect(g); }, function error() { alert("This is broken"); });
(formats: same as <audio>
, sample player, plays
. One shot, but cheap to createOscillatorNode
, sine, square, saw, triangle, custom
from FFT. One shot (use a GainNode
(with no input) to generate
arbitrary waveforms using JavaScript (but
beware, it's deprecated !)MediaElementAudioSourceNode
to pipe the audio from
or <video>
in an
, from
, getUserMedia
: Change the volume DelayNode
: Delays the input, in time. Needed for
cycles. ScriptProcessorNode
(with both input and output
connected): arbitrary processing (but
beware, it's deprecated)PannerNode
: Position a source and a listener in 3D
and get the sound panned accordinglyChannel{Splitter,Merger}Node
: Merge or Split
multi-channel audio from/to monoConvolverNode
: Perform one-dimensional convolution
between an AudioBuffer
and the input (e.g. reverb)WaveShaperNode
: Non-linear wave shaping (e.g. guitar
distortion) BiquadFilter
: low-pass, high-pass, band-pass,
all-pass, etc.DynamicsCompressorNode
: adjust audio dynamics MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode
: Outputs to a
(send to e.g. a WebRTC PeerConnection
or a
to encode)AudioDestinationNode
: Outputs to speakers/headphones ScriptProcessorNode
: arbitrary processing on input audio AnalyserNode
: Get time-domain or frequency-domain
audio data, in ArrayBuffer
, best of both worlds!Web Audio API cheat sheet : Here !
Open the devtools, cog icon, enable it, reload the page that has an
In heavy development (Made by Jordan Santell (@jsantell)), available in Nightly builds. (The canvas editor can also be useful for demos)
Possible demo page (but any page should work, or that's a bug).