function clamp(v, min, max) {
return Math.min(max, Math.max(min, v));
First we need a function to clamp between two values, JavaScript doesn’t seem to have one, so lets’ make one:
function clamp(v, min, max) {
return Math.min(max, Math.max(min, v));
Then we need to determine our tempo range. 30 to 300 seems wide enough.
function clampTempo(t) {
return clamp(t, 30, 300);
And then a utility function to get the tempo value, clamped the pre-determined range:
function getTempo() {
return clampTempo(parseFloat($("input").value));
And then a little shortcut that I like to use, $
to get DOM elements, like in
the old days:
$ = document.querySelector.bind(document);
We need a sound that repeats at very precise intervals. No jitter is acceptable,
since this is the point of reference for a musician or a band. Looping a
in the Web Audio API is guaranteed to be:
If we loop a buffer of the right size, we can have a very precise metronome, the rest of this document explains how.
First, as usual, let’s get an AudioContext
var ac = new AudioContext();
Then, wrap all the setup in a function, that we’ll call when the elements we use for controlling the metronome will be ready.
function setup() {
First thing we need to do when setting up is to get an AudioBuffer
, which is
something that can hold audio data, in the form of a buffer of floats (or
multiple buffers of floats for a stereo AudioBuffer
, one per channel).
We need to make it long enough for our tempo range: twice the sample-rate means it can hold 2 seconds of audio data (since the sample-rate is the number of samples per seconds), which is long enough for a metronome set at 30 beats per minute. This is fairly slow, but very useful when practicing an instrument, to really get a solid timing:
var buf = ac.createBuffer(1, ac.sampleRate * 2, ac.sampleRate);
Get the internal float buffer on the first channel (we only have one anyways),
this gets us a regular Float32Array
var channel = buf.getChannelData(0);
Now, we could use a sample, we it’s easier and more fun to just synthesize a little tone. Let’s get a sine wave with a decaying envelope, with a pitch that is not too low (so that it can be heard easily over a backing track), but not too high (since it’s likely to be playing for a long time, and high pitched sound tend to be tiring over time).
In an oscillator, the phase is a number in [0; 2*π] that is the position of the signal in the periodic waveform:
var phase = 0;
The amp is simply a volume multiplier. It starts at full volume, and here we’ll make it linearly decrease over the length of the tone:
var amp = 1;
We pick a duration of 20ms: ac.sampleRate
samples is 1 seconds, so divided by
50 is 20ms. This is short enough to be precise:
var duration_frames = ac.sampleRate / 50;
The frequency is set to be 330Hz, which is an E. It’s often better to have two tones, and to not use a sine, so that there are harmonics, allowing the metronome sound to cut better in a busy mix, but here, simplicity is more important:
const f = 330;
Now, for each sample, for the duration of our tone, we compute the sine value, increment the phase (and wrap it around if it goes over 2π, but this is probably not necessary because the tone is so short anyways). Finally, we decrement our amplitude value so that the sound volume decrease over time, and resembles a percussive sound, like a percussionist hitting a clave of some sort:
for (var i = 0; i < duration_frames; i++) {
channel[i] = Math.sin(phase) * amp;
phase += 2 * Math.PI * f / ac.sampleRate;
if (phase > 2 * Math.PI) {
phase -= 2 * Math.PI;
amp -= 1 / duration_frames;
Now, back to Web Audio API code, we create an AudioBufferSoureNode
, which is
the object that lets author play back the content of an AudioBuffer
source = ac.createBufferSource();
We set the buffer to play via its buffer
source.buffer = buf;
Set it to loop, and set the loop end to exactly the right duration, for our
tempo: the duration between two beats is the tempo, divided by 60, which gets us
the frequency of the beats in Hertz. Inverting Hertz gets us seconds, and that’s
what the loopEnd
attribute uses:
source.loop = true;
source.loopEnd = 1 / (getTempo() / 60);
Finally, we connect this AudioBufferSourceNode
to the AudioContext
destination, and start the playback of this AudioNode
Now, we’de like this metronome to be startable and stoppable. A simple button will do the job, and an input type number will allow to change the tempo.
The tool I’m using do do this doesn’t seem to support mixed HTML and js source code, so I’m writing everything in JavaScript, like an animal. I’m not happy about this.
var input = document.createElement("input");
input.type = "number";
input.min = 30;
input.max = 300;
input.step = 0.1;
input.value = 133;
var button = document.createElement("button");
button.innerText = "start";
window.onload = function() {
for (e of [input, button]) {
/* CSS-in-js is trendy */ = "font-size: 3em; display: block; margin: 1em auto;";
By default, the Web Audio API is prevented from playing, it’s going to be necessary to click the button to start playback. This is the behaviour we want, having sound starting when a page is loaded is really really bad. We only use one button for start and stop, so it’s necessary to change the label:
button.onclick = function() {
if (ac.state == "running") {
button.innerText = "start";
} else {
button.innerText = "stop";
Whenever the input value changes, it’s necessary to change the loopEnd
attribute so it ticks at the right interval. We also want to update the value
displayed, to make it clear to the user that the supported tempo range is [30,
input.onchange = function() {
setTimeout(function() {
input.value = getTempo();
}, 0);
input.oninput = function() {
source.loopEnd = 1 / (getTempo() / 60);