Elements of dance music

or, How to make people dance with maths

Paul Adenot (@padenot), Mozilla, JSConf.Asia 2015

Today !

  1. What is music?
  2. Deconstruction of an acid techno track.
  3. How can we use Web Audio to synthetize the sounds from scratch?
  4. Actually doing it live !
  5. ... ?
  6. ... !
  7. Dancing !

What is music?

My simpl(e|istic) definition.

Music = Rhythm + Melody + Timbre


The absense or presence of a sound at some point in time, and its duration.

A note each beat for a quarter beat, 140 times a minute


A succession of pitched sounds that constitute a coherent unit.

A4 - B4 - E4 - A3 - B3


The instrinsic sonic characteristics of the sounds themselves.

Harsh - pure - pitched - metallic - vocal - bowed

This talk focuses on timbre.

Acid what ?

Chicago & Detroit, ≈ 1990

Two machines can go far...

Roland TB-303

Bass synthetizer

Roland TR-808

Drum machine

Acid techno deconstruction

All mixed
808 Kick drum
808 Maracas
808 Clap
Mixed 808 drums
303 Bass line
Final mix (delay + reverb)

Why acid techno ?

  • Sounds good (at least to me !)
  • Simple to code !
    • Kick, clap, maracas: TR-808 simulation
    • Bass line: TB-303 simlation

var ac = new AudioContext

Web Audio API 101

AudioContext + AudioNode + AudioParam

    partial interface AudioContext {
      readonly attribute AudioNode destination;
      readonly attribute double currentTime;
      // play audio buffers
      AudioBufferSourceNode createBufferSource();
      // change volume 
      GainNode createGain();
      // play simple wave forms (sine, square, etc.) 
      OscillatorNode createOscillator();
      // filter the sounds 
      BiquadFilterNode createBiquadFilter();
            partial interface OscillatorNode {
              AudioNode connect(AudioNode node);
              void disconnect(AudioNode node);

              readonly AudioParam frequency;
              readonly AudioParam detune;
              enum OscillatorType type;

              void start(double startTime);
              void stop(double stopTime);

    partial interface AudioParam {
      attribute float value;

      void setValueAtTime(float value, double time);
      void exponentialRampToValueAtTime(float value, double time);
      void linearRampToValueAtTime(float value, double time);
      void setTargetAtTime(float value, double time, float constant);

Basic waveforms

            var osc = ac.createOscillator();
            var gain = ac.createGain();

            osc.type = "sine";
            osc.frequency.value = 440.; // A4

            input1.oninput = (e) => osc.frequency.value = e.target.value
            input2.oninput = (e) => gain.gain.value = e.target.value



Volume enveloppes

        var osc = ac.createOscillator();
        osc.frequency.value = 100;

        var gain = ac.createGain();


        setInterval(function() {
          gain.gain.setValueAtTime(1.0, ac.currentTime);
          gain.gain.setTargetAtTime(0.0, ac.currentTime, 0.3);
        }, 500);

Pitch and gain enveloppes: simple kick

        var osc = ac.createOscillator();
        var gain = ac.createGain();



        setInterval(function() {
          gain.gain.setValueAtTime(1.0,  ac.currentTime);
          gain.gain.setTargetAtTime(0.0, ac.currentTime, 0.12);

          osc.frequency.setValueAtTime(100.0, ac.currentTime);
          osc.frequency.setTargetAtTime(45.0, ac.currentTime, 0.07);
        }, 300);

Detuned sawtooth: bring in the bass!

        var osc1 = ac.createOscillator();
        var osc2 = ac.createOscillator();

        osc1.type = "sawtooth";
        osc2.type = "sawtooth";
        osc1.frequency.value = osc2.frequency.value = 80;

        input1.oninput = (e) => osc2.detune.value = e.target.value
        input2.oninput = (e) => osc1.frequency.value = osc2.frequency.value = e.target.value



A brief excursion to the frequency domain

            var osc = ac.createOscillator();
            var gain = ac.createGain();

            osc.type = "sine";
            osc.frequency.value = 440.; // A4

            input1.oninput = (e) => osc.frequency.value = e.target.value
            input2.oninput = (e) => gain.gain.value = e.target.value



Filtering the bass

            var osc = ac.createOscillator(); var osc2 = ac.createOscillator();
            var gain = ac.createGain();
            var biquad = ac.createBiquadFilter();

            osc.type = "sawtooth";
            osc.frequency.value = osc1.frequency.value = 110.; // A2
            osc2.detune.value = 30;
            biquad.type = "lowpass";

            input1.oninput = (e) => biquad.frequency.value = e.target.value
            input2.oninput = (e) => biquad.gain.value = e.target.value
            input3.oninput = (e) => biquad.Q.value = e.target.value
            option.onchange = (e) => biquad.type = e.target.value

            osc.start(); osc2.start();

Noise for the maracas

            var source = ac.createBufferSource();
            var buffer = ac.createBuffer(1, 1 * ac.sampleRate, ac.sampleRate);
            var channel = buffer.getChannelData(0);

            /* [-1, 1] */
            for (var i = 0; i < channel.length; i++) {
              channel[i] = Math.random() * 2 - 1;

            source.loop = true;
            source.buffer = buffer;

Cheating for the clap...

            fetch('clap.ogg').then((response) => {
              response.arrayBuffer().then((arraybuffer) => {
                ac.decodeAudioData(arraybuffer).then((buffer) => {
                  var source = ac.createBufferSource();
                  source.buffer = buffer;
                  source.loop = true;

Time to alt-tab to a text editor!

Thanks !

(More or less) the live coded program in literate style:

Search for "Synths secrets" to learn more about synthesis !

{Twitter, GitHub}: @padenot
