Paul Adenot, @padenot &&
$ hg log -r : -l 1 content/media/webaudio changeset: 104061:ee9b17600025 user: Ehsan Akhgari <> date: Fri Aug 31 16:59:37 2012 -0400 summary: Bug 775302 - Stub out the implementation of mozAudioContext; r=bzbarsky,khuey
816 commits so far, feature complete implementation, landed in Firefox 25 (2013-10-29).
Commit time repartition:
What does the spec tell us?
[...] A high-level JavaScript API for processing and synthesizing audio in web applications. The primary paradigm is of an audio routing graph, where a number of AudioNode objects are connected together to define the overall audio rendering.
var ac = new AudioContext(); ac.decodeAudioData(ogg_arraybuffer, function(audiobuffer) { var source = ac.createBufferSource(); source.buffer = audiobuffer; var d = ac.createDelay() var osc = ac.createOscillator(); osc.type = "square"; osc.frequency.value = 100; // Hz var g = ac.createGain(); source.connect(d); source.connect(ac.destination); d.connect(ac.destination); g.connect(d); d.connect(g); osc.connect(g); }, function error() { alert("This is broken"); });
, from WebRTC, getUserMedia
, etc.AudioBufferSourceNode
to play a raw PCM audio bufferOscillatorNode
to play predetermined waveforms ScriptProcessorNode
(with no input) to generate arbitrary waveforms using JavaScriptMediaElementAudioSourceNode
to pipe the audio from <audio>
or <video>
in Web AudioGainNode
: Change the volumeDelayNode
: Delays the input, in timeScriptProcessorNode
(with both input and output connected): arbitrary processingPannerNode
: Position a source and a listener in 3D and get the sound panned accordinglyChannel{Splitter,Merger}Node
: Merge or Split multi-channel audioConvolverNode
: Perform one-dimensional convolution (e.g. church-like reverb)WaveShaperNode
: Non-linear wave shaping (e.g. guitar distortion) BiquadFilter
: low-pass, high-pass, etc. (e.g. graphical equalizer)DynamicsCompressorNode
: harmonizes audio levelsMediaStreamAudioDestinationNode
: Outputs to a
(send to a PeerConnection
, a
: Outputs to speakersScriptProcessorNode
: arbitrary processing on input audioAnalyserNode
: Get time-domain or frequency-domain
audio data, in ArrayBuffer
in workers, so ScriptProcessorNode
can actually work properly.